Restless legs- agonizing urge to move

Restless legs syndrome

Do you sometimes suffer from a hard-to-describe, deep-seated and uncomfortable urge to move your legs?

Does this urge to move increase when you sit down or lie down in bed?Does it get better when you move or walk?

Does it get worse in the evening or at night?

If you have answered "yes" to all the questions, it is very likely that you have "restless legs syndrome"!

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Urge to move at rest: Restless Legs

  • Do you sometimes suffer from a hard-to-describe, deep-seated and uncomfortable urge to move your legs?
  • Does this urge to move increase when you sit down or lie down in bed?Does it get better when you move or walk?
  • Does it get worse in the evening or at night?

If you have answered "yes" to all the questions, it is very likely that you have "restless legs syndrome"!

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